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Who We Are

Move Unmuted Lion Head T-Shirt

We are a clothing brand based out of South Florida. Coming from a West Indian background, we, like you, are use to fighting against disparaging perceptions and prejudices based on false concepts to stay our authentic self. 

This brand was started because we wanted apparel that spoke for us and said what we felt and maybe just couldn't say at the time. What better way to get your point across than to say it with your chest, so to say. 


We always had a problem with expectations that don't fit who we are nor who we want to be. We choose for us!

Unmuted Apparel....because your truth is inconvenient. 

Our Values

Our Values -Strengthen the individual mindset against the collective. Think for your self. 

Our Mission-Empower Us to be ok with who we are NOT

Our Impact-Shine light onto the darkness with words, meaning, and design.

Our Culture -Just because it is, doesn't mean it has to be! Expect more then go get it!

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